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Team building & wellbeing

With careful thought and planning, team building activities can be one of the most important investments you can make for the people in your business.

Team building activities build trust, mitigate conflict, encourage communication, and increase collaboration. Effective team building means more engaged employees, which is good for company culture and boosting the bottom line.

Learning something new, whether that be arts and crafts, meditation, cookery, sports, history or a foreign language. can support wellbeing and creativity within your workforce.

These activities can go a long way to relieving work stress by allowing people to take time out and focus on an interest or leisure activity while building co-operation with colleagues.

City College Peterborough can offer a huge range of different activities, led by trainers who are recognised experts in their fields, so whether you already know what you want or you’d like us to suggest ideas, we’re waiting to work with you.

Ideas of what we can offer your company

We can work with you to create your team building activity, these are just a selection of what we can offer.

Pottery Throw Down • Ready, Steady, Cook • The Survival Game • Mindfulness • Personality Testing

For more information, please contact us today

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