Safeguarding is a term used in the United Kingdom and Ireland to denote measures to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people — especially children, young people and adults at risk — to live free from abuse, harm and neglect. We provide this through:
We're committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We embrace a ‘whole college approach’ to safeguarding, ensuring that all staff are trained in Safeguarding and Child Protection issues and are kept up to date with changes in legislation and practice. We will take all allegations and suspicions of abuse seriously and will respond to them promptly. We will also make information available on Safeguarding and Wellbeing to learners, supported people and other stakeholders.
Take a look at our monthly Safeguarding newsletters, which focus on different topics each month and provide a list of appropriate support services available both locally and Nationally.
Here at City College Peterborough we encourage all learners, visitors and staff to follow the SMART rules, to help you stay safe online.
S - Stay safe online by not sharing your personal information. Don't give away things like your name, home address or password.
M - Do not meet anyone who you have only become friends with online. This can be dangerous as this person is still a stranger.
A - Do not accept messages and friend requests from people to do not know.
R - Not everything online is reliable. People online are strangers and you can't trust everything they say.
T - Tell a person you trust if anything happens online that you do not like.
Be careful what you share online! Stop and think before you share information online. Don't say or do anything that you wouldn't in the real world!
Virgin Media O2 experts have created a cyber security safety test that aims to build awareness and educate users of all ages on how to better protect themselves from online threats.
Take the cybercrime test and learn about online crimes and how to stay safe when browsing.
Reporting mechanisms for online safety issues:
Designated Safeguarding Lead & Senior Mental Health Lead
Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Multi-agency Risk Management (MARMS)
Designated Safeguarding Person, Scams Lead, City Centre Hub
Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Brook Street Campus
Designated Safeguarding Person, Industrial Hub
Designated Safeguarding Person, John Mansfield Campus
Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Child on Child, John Mansfield Campus
Designated Safeguarding Person, Employability Hub
Designated Safeguarding Person, Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DoLs), Kingfisher Centre
Designated Safeguarding Person, John Mansfield Campus
Designated Safeguarding Person, Brook Street Campus
Designated Safeguarding Person, Brook Street Campus
Designated Safeguarding Person, Brook Street Campus
Designated Safeguarding Person, Domestic Abuse Leads, Skills Development Hub
Designated Safeguarding Person, Kingfisher Centre
If you have a safeguarding concern about yourself or someone else, you can speak to a member of our safeguarding team by calling, emailing or completing our safeguarding form below. Our team will listen to your concerns and ensure you're provided with the right support.
Extremism and radicalisation and safeguarding are covered as part of College programmes, with the aim of educating young people about the risks, so they are aware of how to keep themselves safe.
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