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Colleges Week 2024: influencing, engaging, celebrating

Posted on: 27/02/2024

Colleges Week 2024: influencing, engaging, celebrating

With a general election looming, 2024 is set to be a defining year for the country and for the further education sector.

Whoever the next government is, we all want to make sure they are focussed on ensuring colleges play an even bigger role in an inclusive, tolerant, welcoming, strong society and a growing and productive economy.

The focus on this Colleges Week will be political influencing in both the short and long term.

The Association of Colleges want to focus on actions which see colleges actively engaging with key stakeholders: student-led hustings for candidates in general and mayoral elections, voter registration drives, engaging politicians, pressing the case for investment and so on.

Colleges Week will continue to be a week in which will shout about the incredible work our college does day in, day out, celebrating our successes.

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