Leisure Healthcare Day Opportunities News Events

The Step Challenge – Spring into Spring!

Posted on: 06/03/2023

And the winner is...

Well, what a month February was. Staff from all parts of City College Peterborough have been counting their daily steps as part of their wellbeing.
From our staff training 'All hands on Deck 2021', it was discussed how we can look at promoting all aspects of staff welfare. The physical side of staff wellbeing was important, especially in these dark winter months, which can be isolating and quite miserable for some.

It has been scientifically proven that walking improves mood, reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular walking protects your mental wellbeing & keeps your brain working well as you get older. When we exercise outdoors by walking, being in nature brings additional benefits to our mental wellbeing.

Everyone who took part was given a step counter, and each week they recorded how many steps they had done. After a slow start, the staff team got moving, some ready from the get-go and others building up their tally week by week.

After week 4 (28 days in February) the final total steps were in and the final total was just under 8 MILLION STEPS!!!
To put that into context that is almost 3,500 miles which means, as a group, we walked to NEW YORK (Or to Madrid and back twice!!)

Everyone put in an amazing effort!! The top 3 walkers were:

🏆 3rd place – Kieron Wightman with 372,035 steps
🏆 2nd place Maria O Connor with 39,3215 steps
🏆 And in 1st place was AISLEEN PARKER! She managed a whopping 501,845 steps, which is just over half a million steps!

CONGRATULATIONS, and thank you to all who took part.
We will be doing this again in November 2023 for “walking into winter”.

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